Tasio Almansa - iOS Software Engineer

"Amazing Apps for Amazing people"

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iOS software engineer with several Apps already on production and monetizing. Ready to get your dream App to the next level!

Do you have a small business and an idea on top of your head about how can you use technology to grow your business? I can help you to get that idea into an awesome app that will make your customers happy! Together, we can work from the concepts to build an iPhone or iPad App that will rocket up your business.

Apple iPhone is the most sold telephone ever. Everyone is using their phones now for everything... finding info, locating businesses, making payments, booking events.... Apple devices, such as iPhones, iPads, iWatch are making life easier and nicer and so are doing those awesome apps we all love to use. I have currently on App Store several apps published and producing while adding value to the final user. A Cafe were you can earn points through your app to get free coffee? We got it! A booking system for restaurants? We got it! Do you want to send notifications with your latest new product? Easy-peasy!
Your idea can be next!

What We Offer


What We Offer


Looks great on any screen size!


Personally redesigned for your needs.


Hundreds of users our Apps!


I mustache you a question...

Our pinky promise!

We solemnly swear that we will not keep your personal data for anything not related to the normal use of our Apps. Did you download an App to convert Miles to Meters and, suddently, your iPhone is warning you about how that app is trying to track your online shopping? You didn't like it, and neither did we. So, that's why we only keep the minimum data required to make our apps work and we will never share it with any other party. You can find out about our Privacy Policy here.


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